Contact Us

immigration lawyers in El Paso, Texas

niña con moño rojo sonriendo

Core Values

Our Core Values.

We understand how deeply personal immigration issues are. When you set your sights on life and liberty in the US, you begin a journey that can be both exciting and difficult.

When you trust Villalobos & Moore with your case, you can count on receiving our full attention and care.

We Value:

  • Respect: We strive to honor both the individuals and our community and legal system
  • Compassion: You don’t need to apologize to us for living undocumented, or having complex immigration issues
  • Integrity: We do the right thing—and keep open lines of communication with you throughout your application or proceedings
  • Individuals and families: We firmly believe in your human right to choose your home and allegiance
  • Empathy: We put ourselves in your shoes and give you the thorough, aggressive immigration defense we’d want for ourselves

Villalobos & Moore is on your side, and we will fight for what’s right — for your rights.

Contact us for a free consultation, or call us at 915-351-1000 from the U.S. or 656-454-5561 from Mexico.