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immigration lawyers in El Paso, Texas

niña pequeña con blusa rosa tomada de las manos por dos personas adultas


Family & Individual

We will review your current status and listen to your objectives so we can guide you along the best course of action. Sometimes the best solution isn’t the one people initially come to us seeking. Let us create an ingenious and creative family. immigration law solution so you can stay in the US legally.

Visa Services

In order to immigrate temporarily or permanently to the United States, foreign nationals must obtain a visa.

There are many types of visas available, and selecting the best visa for your situation depends on the specific needs or reasons behind your desire to come to the U.S. Incorrect or incomplete applications may be denied, delaying you unnecessarily, or even permanently barring you from immigration. You only immigrate once; let us ensure you do it correctly.

Our attorneys are experts in immigration law and visas, and are able to guide you in determining the right visa for your specific situation and making sure it’s prepared correctly the first time.

Permanent residents are afforded many privileges and responsibilities that are not granted to green card holders or individuals admitted on temporary visas.

We are experts in family immigration law, and can help you navigate your way through the system so you and your family can be together in the US.

Lawful Permanent Residence through Family Relationships

vml_family_girlThis area of immigration law is the most deceptively-complex area of immigration law.  Our attorneys will screen your case for petitioner problems such as having petitioned for someone in the past, having affidavit of support issues, being born with a midwife, being dual registered, or having an Adam Walsh Act case, as well as other such petitioner-related problems.  We will advise you on how the Child Status Protection Act may affect your case.  And we know the evidentiary requirements for a “legitimated” child petitioning for a step-father differs from an “illegitimate” child petitioning for a biological mother, etc.  Unlike other immigration law firms, we treat each case uniquely, with the care and attention to detail you deserve.

Fiancé Visas

If you are a hopeful immigrant engaged to a US citizen, you may apply for a fiancé visa in order to be granted entry into the United States to be with your future spouse, attend your wedding, and ultimately adjust your immigration status following your marriage.

Our attorneys will work with you and your fiancé to fill out the necessary applications and guide you through the entire visa process. If you are interested in obtaining a fiance visa, chances are high that you are not from Mexico. Don’t worry, we have experience getting fiance visas approved at consulates and embassies throughout the world. Yes, even in the notoriously difficult Philippines.