immigration lawyers in El Paso, Texas

Staff Luis-Guituerrez

Luis Gutierrez Marquez

Luis Gutierrez Marquez Paralegal, bilingual in English and Spanish Education Earned his master’s degree in business administration from the University of Texas at El Paso Earned his master’s degree in business law from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez Obtained his bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Monterrey, Mexico Legal Experience
  • Worked as a legal and business advisor
  • Experience as a lawyer in the legal department of the City of Juarez
  • Served as an associate in the public brokerage area for a law firm in Juarez
  • Worked as a lawyer in the Office of the Attorney General for the Defense of Children, Women, and Family in Juarez
  • Business immigration
  • Prevailing Wage Determinations
  • Labor Certification
  • NAFTA visas
  • Investor Visas
  • Business plans for immigration purposes
  • Permits to work and reside in Mexico
  • Corporate law and manufacturing industry practice in Mexico
  • Commercial law and real estate contracts in Mexico
  • Foreign trade and IMMEX program
  • Experience with both government and private sectors
Other Experience
  • Assistant Instructor of Commercial Law 1 and the Anglo-Saxon System at Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez
  • Served as a general legal advisor to the community
Background Luis believes in the importance of keeping families together. He is confident that with passion, respect, and hard work we can achieve that mission. Contact us for a free consultation, or call us at 915-351-1000 from the U.S. or 656-454-5561 from Mexico.